f o u r → video forward dated to the morning of the 20th

Dec 19, 2011 23:10

[ A bright red light blinds the view of his camera for a moment. Aang pulls his phone back and smiles to the residents of the city he is speaking to. ]

I guess I'm not the only one that woke up with this shiny new nose. [ He pokes it a little before coughing harshly into his hands.

Embarrassing. ] Sorry, folks. I've been kind of sick for few ( Read more... )

game: polychromatic

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video. am_i_being_rude December 20 2011, 19:18:49 UTC
[The Doctor's got one of those noses as well but he's been all grumpy from the sick part and hasn't been playing with it.

Until now, obviously.] Okay, they're not that bad then. Can see where it'd make meditation a bit more difficult. For one, sitting there and not just making the light come in and out. Guess it absolves you from having runny nose problems as well, at least as long as it lasts.


100yearsgone December 22 2011, 08:07:59 UTC
It was really weird at first! But I like yours a lot. It looks a little bigger than mine.

[ He starts thinking out loud. ] Wouldn't it be cool if these things lit the path out of this city?


am_i_being_rude December 22 2011, 15:56:07 UTC
Well I have a bit of an unfair natural advantage there, being bigger in general.

[He actually has to consider that.] I think I could do with finding a path out of the City, yeah. Dunno. S'not so bad here sometimes. Do worry that that sort of light would sort of burn my face off though.


100yearsgone December 23 2011, 07:06:03 UTC
[ Growth come faster. ]

Yeah. And as far as curses go this is one of the better ones I've seen-- [ And then... ]

Wait. Why are you worried about that? Is your face getting hot? [ Suddenly Aang is checking his own face as if he couldn't feel it if it was hot. ]


am_i_being_rude December 23 2011, 19:17:38 UTC
Not any hotter than it feels from being sick. It is odd though, all the light without heat. I mean I know it happens, obviously, there's lots of cultures and places where the amount of heat that would normally accompany the amount of light needed would dehydrate the surrounding area into inhabitability, and then you've got animals with bio-luminescence who would have heat strokes and just keel over and render themselves extinct, but really... [Sorry Aang, it was mostly him being annoyed with being sick and Rudolph-y. There wasn't an actual point to the comment.]


100yearsgone December 26 2011, 05:55:23 UTC
[ It's okay, Aang doesn't understand a word of this anyway, but he doesn't want to sound dumb. Even though his expression and long period of silence probably did that just fine. ]

I think it's just magic. But I feel like there has to be a catch. What if you break it? Maybe your real nose wouldn't come back!


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