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Nov 30, 2011 23:17

I haven't felt like this in a while. [ He sounds cheerful enough, though. ] You never know what this City is going to throw as us next and every day we're left wondering if the next day is going to be worse. [ His voice is clear and strong. ]I've only been here for a month, and honestly? I wonder how so many people can still be so strong after ( Read more... )

game: polychromatic

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[video] eagleofautozam December 1 2011, 06:44:51 UTC
There was a time when I wanted nothing more than to return home. But, by now… I have been here for over a year and the events I have been through and the people I have spent time with have definitely changed my point of view.

Now if I had a chance to return home, I really don’t know that I would take it.


[video] 100yearsgone December 1 2011, 20:56:31 UTC
Isn't there anything or anyone back home that you feel responsible for?

And what about your friends here? Wouldn't you rather have then all be safe back in their homelands. [ Safe is relative... but Aang figures most places can't be as bad as this city. ]


[video] eagleofautozam December 1 2011, 21:12:07 UTC
There is something I feel very responsible for…
[Two worlds that can only be saved by the sacrifice of one person. ]

But, I can’t do anything about it anymore. There is some one here that would do anything to prevent me from returning and I don’t want anything to happen to him.
I have to give that wish up.

[Still he does sound sad about it. The fate of all those people back at home does bother him a great deal. ]

However, I don’t see why anyone else who would like to leave the City shouldn’t be allowed to do so. If they could return, I would be very happy for them.


[video] 100yearsgone December 3 2011, 04:52:27 UTC
[ Aang nods still wearing a serious expression. ] I can understand that. I'm sure you've been here for a long time. [ At least he thinks can understand to a certain extent. ] I wouldn't want to try to persuade anyone who doesn't want to leave the city to leave either.

I realized after coming here that my knowledge of the universe is actually pretty small. [ Not what he originally thought. ] There are worlds that I could have never imagined. Worlds that are so different from my own planet. [ He is okay with this too. ]

You said you have to give up that wish, so that means that at one point you did want to go home, right? Did you ever come close to finding a way back. [ Aang's not judging him for wanting to stay for someone, he's just curious about what others may have tried. ]


[video] eagleofautozam December 3 2011, 19:54:44 UTC
[Its fine. Eagle doesn't mind mentioning his misadventures in trying to escape. They might help others after all. ]

I tried a lot of things in my attempts to escape. I very nearly was able to break through the barrier by causing it to resonate or at least the barrier made me think I was about to get through before it decided to retaliate against me.
Then there was the attempt to use the fountain to escape. A small group of us thought that if we could freeze the fountain we might be able to use it as a portal to return home. Since so many strange things occur at the fountain and so many people appear there when they arrive in the City. But, instead of sending us to a different world the frozen shards of the fountain escaped and caused the people who touched them to experience an alternate false world. That only caused a lot of trouble as everyone had to escape the illusions and return the frozen pieces to the fountain.

[Sorry, are you tired of this yet Aang? Eagle used to be very dedicated to escape. And then there was the time the ( ... )


[video] 100yearsgone December 5 2011, 20:09:53 UTC
[ What does he even say to this? It's disheartening to hear about these failed attempts, but he's glad this man isn't trying to discourage him from escaping despite everything. ]

Any idea what these barriers are made of? Something magical from the sounds of it. [ Aang wonders how and if his bending could help. ] But I don't know anything about magic. Unless this place has a spirit world...


[video] eagleofautozam December 6 2011, 00:07:06 UTC
[No of course not. If Aang wants to try to escape Eagle won't try to stop him, in fact, he will even help him if he can. ]

The barrier always seemed to be technologically based to me, but that doesn't mean they don't have a magical component to them as well.

The City has an Underworld where all of the technology that runs this place is supposed to be kept, but I have been told it it difficult to get there. That whole area is like a maze whose walls move around just to make things more difficult. Of course there are monsters there as well.


[video] 100yearsgone December 7 2011, 03:20:06 UTC
[ IT went from good news to worse news, but he won't let it discourage him. ]

My world doesn't even have most of the technology this place does, at least not during the time I came from. Most of it is a mystery to me. [ He really needs to get Toph to teach him metalbending. ]

Has anyone in the city been to the Underworld? [ He's got nothing, because it doesn't sound anything like the Spirit World. ]


[video] eagleofautozam December 7 2011, 03:37:53 UTC
[Good for you Aang! Most people would have at least had second thoughts after hearing all of this. ]

The technology from my world is a good deal more advanced than the majority of the items that can be found in the City, but even I don't understand how this place really functions.

Some people live in the easier to access parts, so yes. People do go down there all of the time. It is a little on the seedy side, I would be careful if you decided to try it.
If you mean has anyone been down to see the clock? I knew several people who had, I suppose there are still some people here who have seen it, but I was never able to find my way down to it.


[video] 100yearsgone December 7 2011, 04:19:55 UTC
[ Aang needs to meet as many people as he can, some people who live there. Is there anything down there you think would be worth exploring? Or maybe someone I can talk to? An ancient spirit or animal? Is it even worth the effort?


[video] eagleofautozam December 7 2011, 19:44:45 UTC
There really aren't any monsters that enjoy conversation and speaking to the deities or even the resident embodiment of death is unlikely to gain you any real information. I don't think they really want us to understand how the City works.


[video] 100yearsgone December 8 2011, 00:13:36 UTC
Then that's gotta be the key to getting out of here, right? Even if we can gather a little bit of information on the City, it'll be a good start.

[ He wishes Sokka were here to be Plan Guy.

WAIT. No he doesn't. He doesn't want anymore of his friends to be trapped here. ]


[video] eagleofautozam December 8 2011, 19:31:35 UTC
Finding the clock in the deepest part of the underground is where I would start looking for clues. Either that or the offices of the Deities in the City. You would have to worry about getting caught if you tried the later. The Deities are very powerful and might take out their annoyance with you on the other residents of the city.


[video] 100yearsgone December 10 2011, 06:26:51 UTC
The last thing I want to do is hurt the people here. I wouldn't try something unless I was sure everyone else would be safe.

I'll just have to be especially careful.


[video] eagleofautozam December 10 2011, 19:36:12 UTC
That is a very noble idea, unfortunately it is difficult to make a move in the City without running that risk.


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