JaCkLyN u WeRe So SuPrIsEd!!

Jun 11, 2005 10:46

Hey yall! omg last night was soo much fun! jacklyns mom throw her a suprise birthday party which was awesome lol! it was brittany cara hannah lia hayley and i well plus her brothers too but yeah lol. we all went to charlie horse for dinner when we suprised her and then we all went back to jacklyns and hung out and were pretty hyper off of the bowl of candy lol haha. then brittany brought out Mario((its a monkey)) me hannah and lia hid it from her. and that was just chaos lol im sorry brittany but it was pretty funny, u got to admit that much. but yeah i am sorry! hope u can forgive me for that. then jacklyn opend her presents lol we all played with her barbies! then we played outside which was confusing because we were all playing like frisbi football soccer adn i think basketball all at once soo yeah. okay well im gunna go that was so much fun!!
xo bunches of love xo

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