Author: verbapulchra
Title: But They Hurt!
Prompts: bottles, pathetic, focus
Word count: 100
Author's note: written as a comfort fic for poor
Charis, who is suffering from allergies.
"But they hurt!" Steven whined, pitching his voice so that a two year old would relate. His bottom lip trembled as he added "And itch."
Mike hid a smile. "Really? Both?" He tried to add sympathy, but it was difficult. Not when Steven looked so adorably pathetic, disheveled in his pile of blankets, bottles of ibuprofen and Benadryl scattered haphazardly around the bed. Was that a bottle of nasal spray dripping on his sheets? Yes. Yes it was.
Mike knelt on the bed, straddling Steven’s lap. "Can't do anything about your ears, love, but I can concentrate your focus elsewhere."
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