story: prompt #37: Ribbons 5

Jun 18, 2011 22:00

Prompt: - bright_tight_wow

Title: Ribbons 5
Author: saskia399
word count: 100


Blushing brightly, Gero couldn’t look at Ludo. Which is probably why he didn’t notice the tightening of the designers’ jeans.

Suddenly, Ludo pulled Gero to him, tightly. Burying hands in hair, a hard kiss. By now, everything felt hard to Gero. His heartbeat, Ludo’s body, the sharp nips of his teeth, the heat. A gasp and a word “Wow”. A groan, followed by another kiss. This one softer, more coaxing.

How they both lost their clothes, Gero didn’t remember. He did remember all the hard things there after. Their heat, their lust, their joining. He never wanted to leave again.

037 - bright_tight_wow, slash, author: saskia399, story

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