Story : Prompt # 21 - Jacob's Smile

Jun 15, 2011 18:29

Title - Jacob’s Smile
Prompt - 21 - animal, vegetable, mineral
Wordcount - 100
Note - mmm a tricky one but here's my best shot at it!

Animal, vegetable or mineral, perhaps all three combined; Derek had no idea.

Whatever it was, it had Jacob’s full attention.  Lit up his eyes and brought about that sweet shy smile.  The smile Derek wanted to lick off his lips.  He even giggled.  Derek wanted to claim that giggle and play it on loop.

Anything that made Jacob this happy had to be special.

Derek looked to see what was stealing his Jacob’s attention.  Point to the animals; a puppy chasing a bee.  Vegetables spilled from a broken carrier.  Minerals shone from the rocks.  Bases covered, Derek claimed a kiss.

021 - animal_vegetable_mineral, author: meep, story

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