Title: Dance With Me
acidpop25Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 100.1
Prompt: #57, "Young"
Word Count: 263
Summary: "Dance with me, Ronald!"
Warnings: none
Notes: I can't believe I've waited this long to do a Ron/Luna. Dedicated to
enchanted_light, my new Luna muse.
"Dance with me, Ronald!" Luna chirruped, and bounced on the balls of her feet.
"Aw, no, Luna, I can't dance."
"Don't be silly, everyone can dance."
"Huhh." Luna said dubiously, and looked at him like a petulant child, before skipping out a bit farther in the field and starting to twirl in time to music only she heard, quick little turns on the balls of her bare feet that left little circles of flattened grass in their wake and stained her pale skin green.
She looked so young, dancing and laughing in an open field, barefoot, blonde hair falling loose around her face to be tossed and tangled by breeze and motion, dressed in a simple white cotton sundress. She had a daisy tucked over one ear, and it came loose as she lept, back arched and head thrown back. The flower fell to earth only seconds before her feet too touched the ground, just as lightly.
She spun (pirouette, Ron thought vaguely, that was the word Ginny had used when she was little and took ballet before she got bored of it), and her skirt flared up and out, and Ron caught a glimpse of milky thigh and plain white panties with a pale blue border, unfussy and unselfconscious.
Ron swallowed hard and damned his teenage body to hell. She was young, his little sister's age...
Only one year younger. And she's legal.
Damn his teenage subconscious too.
"Hey, Luna?"
"Yes, Ronald?"
"I changed my mind."
She smiled.
Damn it.