Title - Coeur Sauvage
Author -
softly_sweetlyBeta -
genlisae - Thank you kindly Ma'am ♥
Rating - NC17
Word Count - 1998
Summary - In the twisting aftermath of betrayal from all corners, can Harry and Draco repair what was lost, or is the old adage of 'love conquers all' a fallacy of epic proportions
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco, Ginny, The Weasleys, Hermione, cameos from any and all others in the HP verse
Warnings - Highlight for warnings *Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Character Death, Implied Het, Violence, General Darkness, Manipulation*
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this story, and intend no offence.
Author's Notes - Ginny is EVIL in this fic. Just warning y'all. The title is French, and translates as 'Savage Heart'. This story is set in the Chronicles Universe and counts for prompts 41-50 of my
100quills table, which can be found
Other stories in the Chronicles Universe can be found
Burning 1/10 Cross-posted to
harrydraco and
hd_hurtcomfort apologies if you see this more than once ♥