Five ODD-Tings

Apr 29, 2006 19:54

This post goes to katy_v_p, who has been asking me to upload my LJ more often.. thanks to visit it!

A long time ago, I was tagged to complete this:
Once you are tagged you must write a blog about your six weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

1) I love buying jackets, blazers and sweaters. I have loads of them, but every winter I keep on buying them!!.
2) I hate when strange people touch me. For example, in the bus, if somebody wants to go down and I'm in her/his way, I hate if she/he puts a hand on my shoulder and asks me to move.
3) I can't work nor study if I don't have my own material. I hate sharing photocopies and books.
4) I refuse to get dressed in my bedroom. My sister's barged in too many times without knocking for me not to.
5) I DON'T BORROW my Harry Potter books to ANYONE. Lots of time my friends asked me to lend them, but i always put an excuse.

(I tag
cafemusings and

Sorry for not uploading more often, I've been having so many test and so much work to do that it is consuming all my time.

Bye and see you later...

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