Jun 22, 2008 21:18

Guys, I...

I went to sort something out with a friend of mine, Saiba Neo, and...

He told me he was working for Kurata.

He once tried to destroy the Digimon world back home to recreate it as a 'perfect' world for him and his sister, so why this surprises me as much as it does... He tried to tell me that he was siding with the strongest to try and save this world from itself...and so that Kurata could cure his sister. Rei isn't even here! I can't believe he'd do this again! I can't believe he'd try to justify siding with that bastard as 'for the greater good'... What if we're wrong?

The thing to understand about Neo is that he's a really good Tamer have to be to beat me and Zero. It's not just that he won the D-1 Tournament. In our Digimon world he's raised ultimates (even though their very existence was dangerous to our Digimon world) and he came up with loads of good strategies... But... He's also merciless. He deleted his partner because he lost to Zero, he deleted a couple of our friends' partners because they wouldn't listen to him any more, he deleted any digimon that wasn't of use to him any longer...

So he's really dangerous if he's not on your side.


So why didn't he kill me and Zero when he had the chance?

On the upside, I didn't see him transform into a bio-hybrid, but...I just...thought you should know...


Um, Ivan, I'm coming back to Base now; Zero and I should be fine to head out tomorrow with some rest...

(OOC: Strikes are hackable.)

plot: rat bastard kurata, friends: oh dear god why neo?!

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