Oct 06, 2009 07:38
Since my journal is private I am creating this public intro post so you can decide if you want to friend me or not.
I'm Sherry and I'm 37. I am originally from Michigan. I would give just about anything to live there again. Michigan will always have my heart. I lived mostly in the Downriver Detroit area. I also lived on 120 acre farm in Northern Michigan.The rural area outside Lansing is home to me now. I consider myself an old soul. I am mostly an old fashioned person with a lot of old fashioned ideas about life. My family always comes first. I don't have a lot of hobbies at the moment. My life pretty much revolves around my kids. My husband and I have been married for 17 years. We met in high school. He is in the Army and for that I am extremely proud. He has been in the Army for 17 years. He recently was accepted into OCS to become an officer.
I have two kids; both boys. My oldest is 10. He has Apserger's Syndrome and ADHD. I try very hard to advocate for him. I think kids with ADHD are very misunderstood. I do believe it is a real disorder. I think the diagnosis is incredibly overused and has given those who actually have it a bad stigma. Apserger's Syndrome is on the Autism Spectrum. It is a form of high functioning Autism. He does not do well in most social situations, in large groups, or where there is a lot of noise. My youngest is 6. He's just a cutie pie and thinks his older brother is the most awesome person ever.
I currently work as a substitute teacher. I am two classes away from a bachelor's degree in English with a minor in Biology Environmental Studies. I hope to finish those two classes soon and start working towards my teaching certificate. I would like to teach middle school or high school. Although I don't always type my entries in perfect grammar I do mentally correct your entries and spelling mistakes.
I like a lot of different kinds of music. I mostly listen to classic rock, hard rock, and country. I'm not a big movie fan, but I will watch them from time to time. I prefer stupid comedies. I rarely watch tv and honestly could live without one. LOST is my favorite show. I also love watching crime dramas. I'm not a big fan of reality tv, but I do like Biggest Loser and American Idol. I could not live without a computer or the internet.
I believe in God. I don't go to church very often, but I was raised as a Baptist.
Politically, I consider myself a libertarian. I have mostly conservative views. Although, I do have a few pretty liberal views. I discuss politics quite frequently in my journal. I love discussion from all view points as long as we can all remember that everyone is entitled to an opinion and they are not all the same.