Star Wars - General -- #005-Anxious; #064-Moody; #047-Grumpy; #018-Content

Apr 03, 2007 14:03

The following applies to each story listed below:

Rating: PG-13
Summary: Wes meets a blast from his past...
Author's Notes: er, no. this isn't me using an old story, why do you ask? besides, a re-post never hurt anyone!


Title: Operation: Babysat (5/8)
Fandom: Star Wars - General
Characters: Wes, Wedge, Hobbie, OMC
Prompt: #005 - Anxious
Word Count: 1196

(Boys Will Be Boys)

Title: Operation: Babysat (6/8)
Fandom: Star Wars - General
Characters: Wes, Wedge, Hobbie, OMC
Prompt: #064 - Moody
Word Count: 330


Title: Operation: Babysat (7/8)
Fandom: Star Wars - General
Characters: Wes, Tycho, OMC
Prompt: #047 - Grumpy
Word Count: 639

(Word Gets Around)

Title: Operation: Babysat (8/8)
Fandom: Star Wars - General
Characters: Wes, OMC, OFC
Prompt: #018 - Content
Word Count: 813

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