SPN: Sam/Dean. 009. Blank.

Feb 05, 2007 04:03

Title: I Dream of Death [Evil!Sammy Universe]
Author: eboniorchid
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Prompt: 01-Suicide for marishna's Death!Ficathon. And 009-Blank for 100moods, challenge table here.
Word Count: ~1500 words.
Rating: R for violence, hearsay sexuality, and language.
Warnings/Spoilers: Character death! Angst! Dark! Future. Apocalypse. Dream!fic. Violence. Self-injury. Blood. Plot. Mentions of past m/m sex, manipulation, dubious-con, kink/BDSM, M/s. Wincest. Slash. AU after "Simon Said". Potential vague spoilers for Season 1 and "In My Time of Dying".
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Really. Nothing.
Summary: Dean dreams of an end, one he fashions by choice.
Betas: Many heartfelt thanks to my lj-wife/personal cheer squad missyjack for audiencing this fic! *g*
Author's Notes: This is the suicide that so many of you kept expecting me to write. BUT before you kill me, please re-read the title. It's important, I promise. This is NOT how my story ends. // This story occurs within a month after Begging for You (NC-17, Slash: Sam/Dean). My whole Evil!Sammy Universe is available chronologically and in the order it was written.

He gave in to the hypnotic pull of cool, sharp metal gliding over his skin.
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