User Name:
rowanthunderWhat should we call you? Rowan works, I'd suppose.
Favorite Genre: I'll read just about anything, though I try not to pick up too many new things. And thriller and horror stuff just doesn't interest me.
Do you have a separate writing journal?: Nope. I can barely keep track of this one.
What would you like us to know about you? Uh. I used to write in second person? I don't terribly care for pronouns in application to me. That would be about it, I think.
And because really, I can't stand to post an introduction without posting a piece of writing at the same time.
Title: Gifts.
Prompt: None, really.
Rating: Not for the easily disturbed by the whims of Gods.
Notes: This is stand-alone. As far as this story goes, there will be no more until I get another random inspiration.
"No more gifts," she murmured, staring.
Her hands shook, and her eyes were haunted and shadowed. Raven touched her shoulder with a wing-tip, an answer to her murmured prayer. Strength. She watched the clock tick closer to midnight, thumbs twitching in shock. The raven, cloaked in shadows, didn't move.
She spoke. "Gods all above, Raven, please, no more gifts."
She looked at the glass shard next to her. Some gift. The clock ticked, and with a sweeping motion, she knocked the glass to the floor.
She screamed out, in pain, at the shadow, almost like a raven in the night.