User Name:
nuttaxbutta What should we call you? Well, you can call me what you'd like, but I'd rather prefer the title of Emma.
Favourite Genre: A bit of this, a bit of that, really. I like something that'll make me chuckle, but make me feel all squishy inside. That said, I don't mind my bit of tragedy - in moderation, mind.
Do you have a separate writing journal?: Not quite yet, but I've made a plan to get a separate Icon/Writing Journal in the future.
What would you like us to know about you? Well isn't that a loaded question. I don't know, really. Anything worth knowing about me I'm sure you'll find out over time. And besides, what's life without a bit of mystery? Although I should warn you, I am terrible at commitment. I'm the sort of person who needs a tattoo stamped on my forearm in order to remember something. So, if I stop appearing for a couple of weeks, and then suddenly pop up, it's because I just looked at my forearm.