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hunter_returns November 17 2011, 22:07:49 UTC
Goddamn stupid civilians. Wouldn't know a cursed object until it tried to raise all the dead in the entire damned down. Bone weary and looking forward to telling Dean he was right (again), Sam swung the door open.


"Wait. What?" Dean only broke things when he got really pissed. Sam strode over to the tablet.. which was awash with static. Great. Now he couldn't even talk to him.

"Dean.. what the hell? Dude, what's the matter?"


100deaths_a_day November 17 2011, 22:26:02 UTC
He let out a bitter laugh as he noticed the static from the tablet. "Fantastic." the lack of the best way to talk? Gone. The lights started to flicker as his irritation was only fueled further.

He picked up the book, and resisted the urge to hit Sam in the face with it, and shoved it into his chest. "The hell do you think? Playing with fire much, Sam?" He stalked across the room, starting to pace. He knew he couldn't be heard, but it didn't stop him talking anyway. "Use your college brain, and get out the goddamned ouija board. That way I can say it so you can see it. No."


hunter_returns November 17 2011, 22:52:40 UTC
Damnit. He wasn't supposed to find that. Not until Sam was sure it was going to work. He caught the book.

"Dean.. dude, calm down. It's not like that."

Sam ducked as a light bulb exploded, scowling as a fragment of glass scratched his cheek. "Damnit! Calm down and listen to me." As the feedback and disturbances got worse, he tore through his bag, looking through for the ouija board he'd started carrying.

"All right. What?"


100deaths_a_day November 17 2011, 23:27:45 UTC
He wasted no time in jerking the pointer at the word 'No'. He needed to get his point over quickly, and he moved the pointer from letter to letter, each movement as fast and angry as the first had been.

P L A Y I N G W I T H F I R E.

And again, it jerked back to 'No', this time, settling there.


hunter_returns November 17 2011, 23:45:51 UTC
It was even harder like this, when Dean was angry and Sam couldn't see him, couldn't look at him. He sat back and watched the letters form, fast, jerky motions across the board. If he concentrated hard enough, Sam could almost hear his angry bellowing.

"Fire? What are you talking about? Dean, slow down, you're going to short out the whole place." The pointer snapped out of his hand and Sam frowned.

"Look, just listen to me, okay?"


100deaths_a_day November 18 2011, 00:02:30 UTC
It felt like Sam wasn't listening to him. He knew Sam couldn't help it, but he was pissed off, and Dean had... never been great at seeing clearly when he was pissed off anyway. that was when he had snapped the pointer out of Sam's hand.

It was put back on the word 'no' with enough force to make the board jump slightly, the light in the bathroom finally giving out and shorting as he did so. "No, you listen Sam." He gave the same message again, adding the words 'Hell' and 'Luci', and forcing himself to go slower this time.


hunter_returns November 18 2011, 00:11:52 UTC
The pointer was tracking even faster now, most of the lights shorting out or threatening to explode.

"Dean, goddamnit. I'm not trying to break the spell!" His head ached, he was tired, and communication like this was frustrating at the best of times. "Calm down and listen to me. Please. Let me explain, okay? I'm.. I'm trying. For you. I won't break it. I won't make what you did for nothing. I promised."


100deaths_a_day November 18 2011, 00:32:15 UTC
He directed his anger at the book, which flipped in a non-existent breeze to the page about the release of souls.


He think Sam was trying to break it, but if he was gone, then it would break any way. "Damn it, Sam!"


hunter_returns November 18 2011, 00:40:46 UTC
Sam rubbed at his forehead. His voice was soft, barely audible over the whine of feedback and the angry rushes of wind as his brother stalked the room.

"For when I die, Dean. It's for when I die."


100deaths_a_day November 18 2011, 00:45:14 UTC
Everything stopped. The static stopped, the lights - the ones that were left anyway - resumed their usual soft glow, and Dean stared in surprise at Sam.



hunter_returns November 18 2011, 00:59:47 UTC
He sighs and sits back, his sigh . "It's for when I die, damnit. I didn't.. I didn't want you to get trapped out there forever."

Sam rummages in his duffel until he finds a journal stuffed down in the bottom. He flips it open, leaving it on the table for Dean to read. "It's a spell. When my soul's released - when I die, so's yours. You'll get your rest."

"I wasn't breaking my promise, Dean. But I owe you that much. I owe you peace." He looks away, tears stinging his eyes. "God knows I've cost you enough of it."


100deaths_a_day November 18 2011, 01:17:39 UTC
Dean walks over, and reads the page two or three times, letting the words written sink in.


Even without a question mark, it was obviously a question. The pointer moved almost hesitantly as it spelled the words. "You'd better be goddamned sure, Sam." He'd rather risk being a trapped soul than risk Sam being in that much danger again.


hunter_returns November 18 2011, 01:20:46 UTC
"I'm sure, Dean. It's going to take years to make sure that the spell is right, but I can do it. I can make sure that when I die, you'll be free."

Sam sighs and glances down at his hands. "You went to Hell for me and I couldn't stop it. But I can stop you from being trapped on the astral plane forever with no rest."

"You did all of this for me. I.. let me do this for you, Dean. Please."


100deaths_a_day November 18 2011, 01:34:48 UTC
Now the anger was dissipating, and it wasn't that he felt tired - he couldn't anymore - but he felt himself spacing. No, dammit, he had to focus.

B E S U R E it took longer when the pointer kept juddering to a halt because his fingers slipped through it as his focus slipped.


hunter_returns November 18 2011, 02:00:20 UTC
It always frightened Sam when the little pointer started moving in fits and starts like that. Was Dean staying? Had something finally pulled him away? He could never breathe easy until he got another sign from him.

Fighting down another wave of fear, Sam nods. "I will. I'm not gonna let you down Dean. And I'm sure as hell not going to leave you out there forever. Not because of me."


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