Tag to AHBL part 1 (Come thread if you like~~)

Oct 07, 2011 00:19

Dean Just knelt in the mud, gripping Sam's body like his life depended on it. He was pretty sure it did. Sam.... was gone. The stabbing.... It had both been like it moved in the flash of an eye and time stood still. Dean was pretty damned sure that image had been burnt into his retina's for life.

Sam was in his arms.... but he was gone. Dean held his still-warm body, just letting the tears slip out. He didn't give a damn any more. The hell was the point? He shifted his grip again, but still Sam just stayed slumped against him.

What... was he supposed to do? He had one job; one. Protect Sam. Bang up job he did there, huh? Letting down his family, it was all he could do. Grief burnt through him, leaving him cold and empty. What was the point any more? Of anything? The one thing that had made it worth it was gone.

He didn't notice when Bobby had run after Jake. He didn't notice that he wasn't there right now. He didn't notice that he was knelt on the wet ground any more. He didn't notice that the tears had stopped falling; the weight of his grief hadn't been lifted by his tears. Dean didn't notice a damned thing, except that Sam was getting colder in his arms. The world could have fallen down around him right now, and he wouldn't have noticed.

Or cared.

Sam had died. And Dean could only think one thing: It should be me.

!tag, open

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