Dec 09, 2010 02:53

Permissions Post

Threadjacking with this character?: If you get the other mun's permission too~ The more, the merrier in my opinion.

Backtagging with this character?: Feel free~ same as foward tagging.

Hugging this character?: At your own risk U.U;; Children will be better recieved than adults.

Giving this character a kiss?: Again - at your own risk. Females recieved better than males.

(Something more intimate?): contact me first.

(Relationships?): Contact me first.

Attacking this character: Sure, Just so long as he can hit back.

Injury?: Feel free to smack him around a little if the situation is appropriate.

Death?: Nope. Emo Dean to his full capacity is something no wo/man will want to communicate with. So... no dieing, even if he can be brought back.

Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: Mention everything around him. As long as we're not breaking the fourth wall, we're okay.

Anything else, please mention here: or contact on AIM: crimpingwithnoel


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