Dec 31, 2003 17:36
So, the year is coming to an end. Looking back it has to be one of the strangest I've had in my life, but I feel like after a great deal of confusion, pain, turmoil, or whatever it was, things are shaping up. So the year ends on a positive note and I'm grateful for that. It's been a good year in spite of many unpleasant things.
I don't wanna make a list new year's resolutions, since I don't really now what next year will be like. There are some things I'd like to do, but for the moment I'm living exclusively for the present, and looking far ahead into the future is a futile exercise for me right now. I was told that it's a good idea to live one day at a time, one hour at a time if that is possible. So next year I'll just fulfill my obligations (namely work and my thesis), become involved in the metal festival project (it was a roaring success this year as I might write about one of these days, and we want to make it even better on 2004), and beyond that just do whatever I can to make my life a good one. There is no road map, no logical route, just whatever I can find along the way.
Happy New Year everybody. And if you're superstitious and don't want to hear those words before tomorrow, forget you ever saw this post and drop by after midnight to "rediscover it".