My own private metal festival (or something)

Sep 25, 2003 19:42

A couple of days ago we had a band contest for this metal festival thing that I'm helping to organize, and it was a blast. We had six bands in competition, with styles ranging from AC/DC-like Rock and Roll to Death Metal. Five of the six bands were really good, so choosing the two winners was really complicated for the jury (not me). I was having misgivings about the whole project, since it's a commitment that I took several months ago in a spur-of-the-moment decision, and the enthusiasm had sort of deserted me -- I just didn't find it appealing anymore. However, the successful orchestration of Tuesday's event (in which, truth be told, I played a very small part) and the general vibe of that night rekindled my motivation to see this thing through. I was told that once you get yourself into something you must finish it, even if it takes a big sacrifice. This time around at least, it doesn't seem like it's gonna be so hard. In fact, it looks like it will be a lot of fun. October 24th is the date. Six metal bands. Outdoors. Free festival. And yours truly as a part of the organizing committee.

I wanted to post this yesterday but I didn't really find the time to do it. There are lots of things I'd like to post, but I just seem to be too busy nowadays.
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