Jan 02, 2010 04:27
Over last year's challenge, the few people I've talked to who wasn't participating gave me some okay feedback. The number one response was "2 books a week?? You're nuts!" While I don't disagree with them on the "you're nuts" part, after some more talking I learned that some people seem to be daunted by the challenge, especially since they couldn't re-read books that they've read before. So, I've tweaked the rules a bit.
Here are the rules of the challenge:
The Lightweight Challenge!
The idea of 100 never-read-before books seem too daunting to you? Read something you read before! Skim, if you so choose. Just read any 100 books you desire!
Average Reader
You wanna take the challenge. You even want to try to stick to books you've never read before. The Average Reader challenge is like most other communities out there. 50 books in a year. That averages to about a book a week. You can do it!
The Original Challenge!
This is the reading challenge to end all challenges, and the one that started this community. The books MUST be new to you! By "new" we mean that you've never read it before, have only managed to get through a few chapters and left it, or it's been absolutely sooooooooooooooo long ago that there's no way that reading it again will trigger any memories of it. It's a rough road, but someone's gotta take the challenge!
That all being said, I'm planning on getting some web badges and stuff made up so at the end of the year y'all who rose to the challenge could have something nice to post to your LJ profile or web site about it.
Happy 2010, everyone, and let the new challenge begin!