Jan 10, 2006 14:46
1. Thank the person that tagged you.
2. List 5 random/strange/weird things about you.
3. Tag 5 other people
cheers wife dear.
1. i use the word "kid" or "kiddo" way too much, for people older, younger, the same age as me everybody...its a curse
2. i've done more clothes washing today than in about 6 months, i've run out of places to put stuff to dry...im confused as to how i've got so many more dirty clothes, i must just wear the same things most of the time usually.
3. i CAN'T WAIT till the 26th of march and im able to breath in clubs and pubs, bring on the ban!
4. today while walking down princes street my mp3 player got me in the old skool nu metal mood by playing linkin park, i had to fight the urge to head bang outside la senza...
5. my gran wants me to dye my hair blonde..
1. darktemptation
2. superherogrrl
3. _b_e_c_c_a_
4. wican_epona
5. kickingk_at