Genre: General
Rating: PG
Pairings: 'Atemu'/Yuugi
Story Type: Drabble/one-shot
Summary: Whenever it struck, he hated himself.
Disclaimer: Yuugiou, my anti-drug! - that really means I don't own it.
Spoilers: AU, Yami's real name.
Warnings: Short! Also Yami's unoriginal AU name. xD (Note that the format of the name is LastName FirstName.)
Yami Atemu hated himself at the moment.
He knew he should stop this nasty habit (no thanks to a certain friend who hooked him on to it). He should, not just because signs everywhere said "it's bad for your health", but because he could feel his growing dependence on it. If he didn't have one in anywhere from an hour to three, he'd go crazy with need. There were bags under his eyes and his breath stunk (underneath the mouthwash and thick air of cologne).
Not to mention he was under the threat of his boyfriend breaking up with him if he didn't quit.
But it was so hard - those damn addictive additives!
- Owari -
Story Word Count: 113
Authoress Notes: Don't do drugs! xD