[fic] Theme 071 "Water" {Yuugiou: 'Atemu'/Yuugi; G}

Feb 08, 2010 19:57

Genre: General
Rating: G
Pairings: ‘Atemu’/Yuugi
Story Type: Drabble/one-shot
Summary: New school year, new students, new feelings.

Disclaimer: Takahashi-san’s the brilliant creator of this series that we can twist around so much.

Spoilers: None, AU-ish.

Warnings: Different format; keep an eye out for the ‘weather’ line. (hinthint)

Monday, April 3, 2000
Weather: cloudy

First day back to school after a month of holidays. Oh man, I never thought I’d say this, but I really hope tomorrow comes quickly! The teachers this year seem fantastic so far - I’m already so psyched for my chemistry and biology classes - think of all the labs we can do...and the chemicals!

It’s great to see everyone again - not that we didn’t keep in touch over the break - but it just feels different. Clothes not included in that statement. I’ll be sharing the majority of my course load with most, if not all, of my friends. I’m sensing future phone calls from Jounouchi-kun about homework and copying them at an inconvenient time...say, the night before the test, or whatnot. ‘Doing’ and ‘homework’ are never said together in a Jounouchi-sentence, after all.

There are apparently a few new transfer students this year, but I haven’t seen them yet. Hmm, maybe better luck tomorrow?

Tuesday, April 4, 2000
Weather: light drizzle

Barely made it in time to the bus-stop this morning. I swear I need to replace my alarm clock’s batteries... Though Jii-chan insists that’s not the problem. Hmph.

Forget what I said about being psyched for chemistry. The teacher just dumped five pages - 25 questions, all with parts A through E! - worth of homework on us. On the second day! Outrage, really... But I didn’t expect less from them. They always put us on maximum drive when it comes to coursework. Doesn’t stop me from complaining though.

Anyway, the rest of the day went pretty well... Jounouchi-kun and Kaiba-kun got into a fight...already. They should really stop putting up this act. Who do they think they’re fooling anyway?

Also! Before I forget to mention, I met this guy at the bus-stop. I think he goes to our school-I mean, we get off at the same stop and in the same general direction towards the school... I think that was the shock of the day (other than chemistry’s surprise attack) - a complete stranger standing up for me when someone pushed me out of line so they can board the bus before the seats ran out (really lovely manners people have these days, huh?). That was...wow, and unexpected. I hope I see him again tomorrow and thank him properly.

Wednesday, April 5, 2000
Weather: rain

Oh drat, drat, drat! Of all the days...

Stepped out of the house and halfway to the bus-stop it started raining. Hard. And I forgot my umbrella. Fantastic.

So I was stumbling along the sidewalk, trying to keep the rain and my hair out of my eyes and off my glasses, when suddenly there was this presence beside me. To say I’m taken aback is an understatement, because...really, how many people do you meet look almost identical to you, and conveniently has a big enough umbrella...and offered it to share while walking to the bus-stop!

...I’m starting to sound like one of those giggly school girls with a crush, aren’t I?

...well, damn.

Thursday, April 6, 2000
Weather: light drizzle, damp, and smells like the swamp (makes face)

At least it’s not raining that hard anymore. This week’s turning out to be one of the worst ways to start the school year...

Bumped into Stranger again, whose name is Atemu (I found that out today after he saved a seat for me on the bus), and he’s just moved here, to Domino City, from Kyoto. He’s a year older than me, a senior. I think he’s part Egyptian...or so Jii-chan guesses from his name.

Too many people switched out of Family Studies (...I only registered for it because the other options weren’t that appealing at all, okay?) so the class ended up being cancelled, which forced me to choose another subject - history...Egyptian History, in fact. Nothing wrong with fast-tracking, I suppose...

So now we share a class. I don’t know if I’m happy and excited, or scared and jumpy, or...what.

Friday, April 7, 2000
Weather: still drizzling (sigh)

Five days already, this week’s really flew by. Excitement level definitely not as high as it could and should be.

Guess what? Assignments already! One from chemistry - a five to seven minutes presentation on a topic of our choice; one from biology, a paper, but that’s not due until two months later; and one from Egyptian History, yet another presentation-report, but done in partners.

Again, I don’t know if I should be happy or not that I’m working with Atemu-kun, who had, for some inexplicable reason, asked me to be his partner.

Saturday, April 8, 2000
Weather: pouring rain

This is starting to get on my nerves. Five days in a row? Come on, you’ve got to be kidding me.

Still have school today. Going over to Atemu-kun’s to work on that cursed presentation-report tomorrow. Then I’ll need to start researching on my other stuff...

Sunday, April 9, 2000
Weather: passing rain

Thank goodness it’s only passing rain. I would’ve looked hideous if I arrived at Atemu-kun’s all soaking wet...even though I did remember to bring my umbrella this time.

Finished off the presentation-report in no time. Actually, wait, I lied. We spent the entirety of six hours typing, polishing it off, and practising. But it definitely didn’t feel like six hours. It’s not due until the week of the 24th though. His mom asked me to stay for dinner but I declined.

Monday, April 10, 2000
Weather: drizzle...surprise, surprise

Well, here’s to another week. As monotonous as last Monday, except Atemu-kun’s starting to sit with us during lunch, along with these two people who look way too much like Ryou-kun and Malik-kun. But then, who am I to talk when I’ve a sexier version of myself hanging around?

...Did I just call him sexy?

I’d better go do those trigonometry problems to get my mind off him.

Tuesday, April 11, 2000
Weather: cloudy; at least it’s not raining, thank goodness

Motou Yuugi, you idiot. Note to self, stop stuttering when being around Atemu-kun.

Wednesday, April 12, 2000
Weather: drizzle, to rain during the evening

Ah, drat. Sensei’s going to go talk to Jii-chan some time later this week, as is customary of every new school year. (groans) I can’t wait. (end sarcasm)

And dammit, Motou Yuugi, you did it again.

Thursday, April 13, 2000
Weather: downpour, complete with thunder and lightning

Well, damn. Jii-chan took the last umbrella when he went out to run an errand, and I was left to be soaked to the bone again. Luckily Atemu-kun waved halfway to the bus-stop. Oh man, I don’t know what to do if it wasn’t for him...err, I mean, his umbrella.

Pop quiz in Egyptian History today! Good thing I reviewed a bit of my notes yesterday night. That phone call from Atemu-kun most definitely did not help matters. Another quiz in chemistry - I still really want to just wipe all organic chemistry related material from the textbooks and my mind.

The school dance’s coming up in two weeks. Jounouchi-kun’s nagging me to go. Should I?

Friday, April 14, 2000
Weather: still raining pretty hard...stupid raindrops against my skylight window

Good Friday! Hahaha, yes, no school today, or Monday, for that matter. I could use this extended weekend to prep for my tests next week. Teachers, honestly...just because we have four days off it doesn’t necessarily equal more free time. Some of us have to help around the house, yeah?

Oh, there’s the phone...

Edit: It was Jounouchi-kun. Wants to meet up at Burger World then the arcade. Luckily Jii-chan’s here to mind the shop.

Tuesday, April 18, 2000
Weather: cloudy, wind picking up

Ah, sorry for the lack of entries. Got carried away the past few days...yep, studying. Then helped Jii-chan around the Game Shop. Sensei came on Saturday. Jounouchi-kun and Honda-kun really qualify for top-notch distracters, kept calling me and asking very irrelevant questions. Surprisingly, Atemu-kun was silent for the weekend... Wait a minute, why the heck am I thinking about him now, after I survived four days without him? And how come I felt genuinely happier when I saw him at the bus-stop this morning?

Anyway, the rest of this week’s going to be pretty hectic, tests piling up.

Everyone’s a bit tense these days, actually... Although I get a feeling it’s not just about the tests. Stupid dance coming up... And stupid Jounouchi-kun for reminding me...

Friday, April 21, 2000
Weather: cloudy

Another week done! It’s hard to believe three week’s gone, just like that. At least the tests are over with...but the presentations are starting up next week. Simply wonderful.

Also, got another friendly reminder from Jounouchi-kun about the dance next Friday. He just doesn’t give up, does he?

Sunday, April 23, 2000
Weather: cloudy, occasional sun

Motou Yuugi, go slap yourself silly. NOW.

Atemu-kun called! He called! And asked me to go have coffee with him!

Wednesday, April 26, 2000
Weather: sunny-ish

Phew, finally got all the presentations out of the way. Probably another set of tests next week, that’s how evil teachers are.

Atemu-kun...he...he...asked me to go the dance with him. Cue fainting here. He said I look really cute when I blush.

...I don’t know if I should be happy about that or not. Ever notice how I always feel like this when it comes to Atemu-kun?

Jounouchi-kun and Honda-kun will have a field day if they see me at the dance with him, but this is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Decisions, decisions...and Friday’s it!

Friday, April 28, 2000
Weather: sunny!; the clouds have miraculously cleared up

Sensei gave up on teaching us for the day. We were too distracted by the dance - actually, scratch that; the girls were too busy discussing what they’re going to wear. And since they make up about three-quarters of my classes...it totally defeated the purpose of going to school today.

Student council and the School Dance Committee have outdone themselves; the gym looked nothing like the place I have P.E. in, with all the decorations and DJs and lighting. More breathtaking was Atemu-kun though, in all his shiny leather glory. Mmm...


I really do think I’m falling for him. Is that a good or bad thing? The other question is...how can I not, when he’s being so...so...gentleman-y and nice and everything to me?

(groans) And here I thought life couldn’t get more complicated than it already was.

- Owari -

Story Word Count: 1,751
Authoress Notes: So I was lazy and didn’t like writing formally. Bite me.

Yuugi totally shares the sentiment about organic chemistry, because I am the Authoress. Of course. :D
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