Title: Stealth
Arc: Left Behind Ch. 7
Author/Authoress: animethief92
Disclaimer: I don't own, so please don't sue. It's good for me, but better for you.
Theme/Challenge: #087-Virtual Image 3
Fandom: Crossover(Fullmetal Alchemist/Gundam Wing)
Pairing: Duo Maxwell/Edward Elric
Rating: PG
Heero had grown more and more depressed about the disappearance of Duo that he resorted to gazing at a virtual image of them together on one of their first few dates. Duo had a big grin on his faced with his arm draped around Heero's shoulders, and Heero looked like he always used to; a frown and no expression.
He regretted how he used to act towards Duo before he had finally realized he couldn't live without him. It had limited their time together, and now Duo might be gone for good.
Quatre had been working hard for the past week on trying to fix the machine, but was still having some kind of problem. He missed Duo terribly as well, and couldn't stand not trying to help his scientists.
"Yes Heero?"
"How much longer must I live without him? Will he ever come back?" Heero stood up and walked away from the wreckage of the time machine and went outside.
"I don't know... But I swear to try my hardest, Heero. I swear." Quatre turned back towards the hardworking scientists and began helping to rebuild the machine once more.
Duo had woken up early that morning from a strange dream that Heero and Quatre were in. Most of it was all just a blur now, but he knew it was important.
Edward was lying on the extra little mattress he had gotten and was still dead asleep. His blonde hair was a tangled mess that resembled Duo's own hair, and his sheets were in disarray. Duo thought he was kind of cute the way he slept and couldn't resist the urge to touch his face.
Duo brushed the bangs from his face and was amazed how soft his hair felt considering how tangled it was from sleep.
Ed turned over to his other side and it seemed as if he knew Duo would do more if he let Duo watch him for much longer.
Duo reached to Edward and put a hand on his waist and could feel his muscles tensing from Duo's touch. Duo slipped a little bit of his arm around the smaller boy's waist, but when Ed tried to resist him Duo pulled away.
Duo watched as Ed made himself comfy once more in his sleep and then remained still for a short while. After a few minutes of staying still; he started to fight his sheets which had almost fallen off of him completely.
Duo didn't know what time it was exactly, but he guessed about 1:00 a.m. He sat in the bed with his hands in his lap and noticed something move outside the window. Duo cautiously peeked over the window sill, but didn't see anything anymore.
He decided that he was just too tired, and saw a hallucination of someone creeping around the hospital at night. Then again, it sounded a little too strange; even for a hallucination.
Apparently Alphonse had also just woken up when I was about to leave the room.
"Where are you going?"
"Quiet! Don't wake anyone up!" Duo waved for Alphonse to come over to him and quietly.
"I saw someone sneaking around and I don't like it when someone's spying on me." Duo said and then grabbed his boots which had been left by the door for quite a while.
"You shouldn't be up yet! Let me and Ed go check it out!" Al watched Duo put on his boots and then check to make sure they were tight enough.
"Just stay here, you saw me already. I know how to take care of myself." Duo winked and then opened the door and closed it with complete silence.
Duo was very good at being stealthy and had no trouble sneaking down the halls without anyone seeing him. He reached the doors to the courtyard that was close to his window but when he opened the door didn't see anyone or anything.
"Now where did you go...?" Duo asked as he went to the area he saw the person last was.
Duo didn't find anything peculiar about the courtyard, so decided to head back up to his room. When he looked up at the windows at first he saw Alphonse observing him, but then when he looked up at the window above he saw a black figure.
Nothing had ever terrified Duo like this thing had. It had a big grin on it's face and you could clearly see it and it's giant yellow eyes. Duo was frozen to the spot as the thing seemed to look at him with great interest, but Duo couldn't help but be reminded of... Edward.
For some unexplainable reason, the thing reminded him of Edward.