[Drabble] Too late to apologize {NCIS}

Sep 05, 2011 16:59

TITLE: Too late to apologize
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy

CHARACTER: Trent Kort (implied Jenny/Kort)
GENRE: gen, angst

SUMMARY: He must have picked up the phone at least a dozen times... Written for prompt #255 "Apology" for ncisdrabble100.

WARNING: English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd. Spoiler for season 5.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. I just borrow them from time to time to have some fun with them.


He must have tried to pick up the phone at least a hundred times.
He couldn‘t understand why it was such a problem for him to just call her. He knew he needed to do it; sooner or later. Except that, now, there was no later.

She was gone. Dead. Forever out of reach. And he would always remain the man who played her. She must have hated him until the very end and he couldn‘t blame her. He wished it was different.
But how was she supposed to know if he‘d never told her?

He must have actually picked up the phone at least a dozen times. Sometimes, he‘d dialed her number; one time she‘d even answered his call but he had ended it before saying something, anything.

Shepard ... He liked the way she pronounced her name. He liked her voice, her hair, her eyes. He admired her strength, her relentlessness, and how smart she was.

Had she ever figured out who he really was? Had she ever seen the true him? The one who cared, the one who liked her - really liked her?

He would never know.

Because sometimes it was just too late. Too late to apologize.

- The End -

{community} ncisdrabble100, {feature} jenny_trent, {format} drabble, {feature} jenny shepard, {fandom} ncis

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