This may be the last entry I ever write in this weblog. To put it frankly, I don't have the time or desire to continue to record small quips of my life on this thing. I really only keep it around so I can check out what is going on in my friend's lives. But I happen to have some free time right now, so I figured a long update was over due
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In a way, I am slightly envious of those guys. Not just you man, I know you work hard and I know you have a lot of responsibilities, probably more than anyone else, and that your schedule is already tight just between your school work and presidential work. However it would be nice for some of our brothers to realize that mommy and daddy aren't always going to be there to hand them a fat check that pays their bills, pays their schooling, pays their additional expenses, etc.
As for accredidation, I will slightly concede on that issue. Yes, it was wrong of me to wait till the last minute. Yes, it's probably not entirely ethical for me to resign my position two weeks before our packet is due. And I can rationalize and objectify my reasons all I want, the truth remains that I waited too long, took too long to ask for assistance, and didn't start when I should have. However, as I said above, I have to work to sustain myself. This cuts into my time. I maintain a high GPA. This cuts into my time. And I have a committed relationship to a girl I am serious with. More time expended elsewhere than DSP. More time expended to areas of my life that are MORE IMPORTANT then DSP.
It just seems to me that so many brothers are blaming me because they think I have simply slacked off, that I've been sitting on my ass doing nothing when I could have been doing my job for the frat. Honestly though, I haven't had time to commit to DSP. It's just not there! I am too busy with other committments to worry about DSP.
I just don't want to do it anymore P. I want to cut one of my committments loose. You can't blame me, you did the same thing. Only your choice was work. I don't have that option.
Townsell...(has he done anything?)
probably me.
but if one more person who works hard only makes life harder for the guys that are doing everything now. You are better than that
And actually, I wasn't really including you in my "money statements" as I was brothers like Alan, Goo, etc. I know your dad handles his money like... well like a jew. Hah.
And maybe this whole deal is just me needing to blow off 2 years of frustration that stems from the fraternity.
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