Reflection, Child, Scars, Muse

Jan 03, 2011 13:30

Photographer: Kathleen/El Staplador
Number of Photos: Four
Theme(s): 17, 18, 23, 69


This needs some explanation, I'm afraid. There were three musicians, who were playing the "Internationale", and the picture was taken through the banner of the Surrey County branch of UNISON (the public services trade union). This photo is therefore meant to express the spirit of workers' cooperation, serving as a muse to this band.


Well, blisters, anyway! These are the scars, if you like, of being on my feet in too-new (although otherwise entirely appropriate) shoes for about eight hours over the course of 2nd January


Sculptures in the Children's Garden at Guildford Cathedral. Unfortunately the light wasn't great, as you might well expect at 5.15pm on the shortest day of the year! I hope I've conveyed a little of the haunting quality these had in real life, though.


No justification necessary! This is the River Wey on a snowy day in Guildford.

scars, reflection, el_staplador, muse, child

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