Photographer: Kat
number of photos:9
themes:30(bold), 31(high), 32(shadow), 34(vein), 36(yellow), 37(empty), 60(red), 73(rust), 87(wait)
30: Bold
31: High
32: Shadow
34: Vein
36: Yellow
37: Empty
60: Red
73: Rust
87: Wait
Sorry for the massive picture dump. I've been slacking on my LJ use. Hope you enjoy the pictures! Comments are more than welcome. Please click the pictures for a larger, better view - I'm not sure how to post bigger versions here on LJ. (Anyone with advice or directions on how to do that, I'd love to know!)
I'm having a lot of fun with this project, and have gotten several non-LJ using friends to participate via facebook. Lots of fun, lots of neat pictures. Thanks for this idea and community!