List one, last post =]

May 24, 2008 13:14

Hi guys! It's been a while =]
Since my last post, I've been to plenty of volleyball tournaments and Japan 8D.
Most of my shots here are from Japan ^^.

Here's the last of my First List Set and it's a big batch ^^.

Photographer: Keena
# of Photos: 27
Theme(s): Safety, Stale, Feathered, Earth, Scars, Against, Covered, Rush, Sweet, Heavy, Chair, Statue, Kool-aid, Dark, Breath, Garbage, Cream, Rose, Rope, Decrepit, Key, Lose, Drag, Wind, Tackle, End, and Life.

001. Safety

002. Stale

003. Feathered

021. Earth

023. Scars

026. Against

[ Note: I am pro-Olympics. I shot this as 'against' because so many others are well .. xD against it. It saddens me that it took Shichuan for people to stop protesting. *Sigh. ]

029. Covered

035. Rush

042. Sweet

044. Heavy

046. Chair

047. Statue

048. Kool-Aid

049. Dark

050. Breath

051. Garbage

054. Cream

057. Rose

062. Rope

[ 8D rope .. of people! xD ]

063. Decrepit

072. Key

[ Key .. point :) ]

075. Lose

076. Drag

077. Wind

096. Tackle

098. End

100. Life

Questions and comments are very welcome =]
The links to the rest of the sets could be found here.
Time to start on the new list 8Db

chair, cream, key, heavy, safety, xtoaast, decrepit, sweet, breath, covered, dark, kool-aid, garbage, feathered, against, statue, end, drag, tackle, stale, rope, scars, earth, rose, rush, wind, lose, life

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