Photographer: Mandy
Number of Photos: 7
Theme(s): 12 Growth, 36 Yellow, 3 Feathered, 41 Wonder, 65 Dream, 77 Wind, 7 Love
I'm somewhat new and this is my first post. Constructive criticism is more than welcome. :)
12-Growth (this was in my g-ma's driveway)
36-Yellow (The flowers right outside school)
3-Feathered (These feathered friends were in my mom's backyard)
41-Wonder (She's looking out at the geese, probably wondering why they make those horrid noises when we're trying to sleep.)
65-Dream (She looked as though she was having a peaceful dream about something.)
77-Wind (There's actually three of these wind things at a playground close to my mom's house.)
7-Love (I thought it was cute they wrote their names on the table and funny that someone else wrote "sux")