Law and Order CI//Alex Eames/Robert Goren//Fly&Knife

Nov 07, 2006 17:26

Title: Fly
Fandom: Law and Order Criminal Intent
Characters: Alex Eames, Robert Goren
Prompt: #36-Fly
Word Count: 347
Rating: PG
Summary: "Did you ever wish you could fly as a kid?"
Author's Notes: I /should/ once again be working on Nanowrimo, but alas I'm a lazy bum and have all these other stories to type up at teh moment. Much more well-written than my last couple, I'm proud of it.

Come fly with me

Title: Knife
Fandom: Law and Order Criminal Intent
Characters: Alex Eames, Robert Goren
Prompt: #31-Knife
Word Count: 326
Rating: PG
Summary: “How’s your hand doing?”
Author's Notes: My last one to type up for the time being, until I get around to writing more. After this I should /probably/ get back to work on my nanowrimo piece.

Story found at my journal
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