Title: You Go In Your Trailer
Fandom: Real Person
Characters: Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock
Prompt: #88; Bite.
Word Count: 504
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: Sandra comes to apologize.
Author's Notes: Based on an Extra interview. Probably doesn't really fit the prompt. And, yeah, I don't know them. This is just how I think it should be.
I just love the way Keanu looks at me while he's kissing me. )
Comments 13
That was a very intense 500 words, and I mean that in the best possible way. Hoo boy. I'm sort of distracted by the whole "ZOMG KEANU AND SANDY ARE MAKING OUT" that now I've forgotten what I was going to say.
"...her mind whirling with how they moved from anger to lust". Man, I love that line. That's just the pivotal essence of the entire piece, squee.
Bloody hell, I just love this. Do I need any more explanation? :D LOL.
If you have any ideas, please, send them my way!
Like Cassie , I agree , they need to have sex everytime they fight :) That should be a staple in all of your fics from now on :)
Hmmm what they could possible fight about? During the Lakehouse movie , I guess Jesse, Alejandro, Lynn Collins (hate her)...
I'm thinking of using Jesse for a Monster prompt. Ha ha. I want the fight to be simple for Argue, though. Nothing that involves real yelling or dramatics. Maybe a movie or food choice? OMG WHERE THEY EAT DINNER!! Ha ha I'm good now. :D
I heard he broke up with her because she was a publicity whore, but who knows? It is a little weird to pose for paparazzi pictures though, don'tcha think?
*just wants to hate anyone that's with Sandy or Keanu* LOL
LOL, yes, I guess I should dislike her because she's keeping apart Sandra and Keanu but ... Sandra already had Jesse, so Keanu needed someone to make her jealous, and seriously, she is sooo much better looking than Keanu's other girlfriends, so I enjoy her.
This story was soo sexy.. w00t !
Sandra gasps as Keanu hits the sweet spot on her neck with his wet, hot mouth.- fave line !
Damn damn damn.. I love it !
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