Title: Supposed to Be (My Love)
Fandom: Real Person
Characters: Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock
Prompt: #12; Want.
Word Count: 1,283
Rating: PG-13 for one swear.
Summary: The morning after.
Author's Notes: It's a sequel (maybe) to a story that I will write (maybe). And, yeah, I don't know them. This is just how I think it should be.
I just love the way Keanu looks at me while he's kissing me. )
Lovely writing, as always. It's good to see something new from you. :)
Yes, I finally got off my ass and produced something. :)
It's very easy to become Keanu centered. ;)
LOL that sounds so mean. Sandra, you're going down! You deserve some PAIN!! I'm formulating right now.
I was actually going to do a Sandra layout, but most of her pictures are slutty too suggestive for me and the lyrics I wanted to use. I found it hard to find any good pictures of her.
Still, make her hurt. I'm tired of it being Keanu for now, even though he angsts pretty. Sandy's turn!
I've seen good pictures of her, it's just that there aren't a lot of good galleries for her like there are for Keanu. I'm not sure why that is, since she's really popular, but most of the pictures you find featured are the suggestive ones because that's all most people seem to pay attention to. If I run up on any good ones, I'll send them your way.
There used to be a good one at Simply Sandra, but she closed the gallery due to some problems she was having with bandwidth or something. So that sucked.
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