Title: Back Alley Romance
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: Simon Tam x Kaylee Frye
Prompt: 002 - Back Alley
Word Count:538
Rating: T
Summary: Kaylee and Simon have gotten into a fight. Could this be the end of their romance?
Author's Notes: It's probably not what you think it is, I swear. =D Translations at the bottom of the page!
"What in the gorram depths of Hell, Simon!?" Kaylee had gotten past being simply sad about this.
She was pissed.
When Simon had come back onto Serenity after being planetside, he had seemed a bit shy around Kaylee, whom he normally would hug at the very least. He had just walked on by.
When she confronted him about it, he had stumbled his way into a confesion.
"W-well, Kaylee, honey, I... something happened in town." He had run his hand through that silken black hair that she loved to fist her hands in, and once that statement had leaked from his lips, his hands dropped to his lap. They were perched together in Kaylee's hammock in the Engine Room. The rest of the crew was carefully listening in behind the corner, save for Book and Inara, who found it distasteful. They'd find out about it through gossip from the others later.
"Somethin'... like what?" She said. Somethin's up. "Hon, what was it?" She placed her hand on his cheek.
He carefully lifted his hand up and grabbed her hand, holding it instead of letting it rest on his cheek.
"I... I kissed a girl. Well, she kisssed m--" Before he could get the explanation out, Kaylee had torn her hand from his and slapped his cheek. They could both hear the crew "stealthily" running from the Engine Room.
"What in the gorram depths of Hell, Simon!?"
"I couldn't help it! It wasn't my fault!" He was holding his arms up like he was at a bank being robbed, palms facing towards her. "Baobei, I--"
"Don't you baobei me, Simon Tam." She stomped off further into the Engine Room, obviously hurt.
"Kaylee, honey, I--"
"What the Hell, Simon!? This ain't no back-alley romance we got going on here! This is the real thing!" Her voice dropped, the hurt shining through the anger. "I thought we was gonna work out this time, too." She turned away from him.
He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Baobei, please. Let me explain. Wan xi, it's not what you think."
She turned, tears in her eyes. "What, then!?"
He sighed. "It's nowhere near as bad as you think. She was drunk, she thought I was her husband, and she kissed me with booze still in her mouth. I just wanted to wash up and get her stench out of my mouth before it could contaminate you." He placed his hand on her cheek, this time.
She smacked it away and launched herself at him, kissing him deeply, and pushing him back into the hammock, so she lay on top of him.
"Don't ever do that again. Next time we go planetside, I'm going with you so you don't scare me half t' death." She smiled, then got back to work.
She had to get the stench out somehow, eh?
Baobei -- Baby, used as a term of endearment.
Wan Xi -- Relax.