Megacon was amazingly awesome. I didn't make quite as much money as at Kami-con, but I did better than at EXP. I have already spammed pics around the internets, but if you didn't see the Lavender Legend cosplayers, there are plenty of photos here: in the Megacon 2012 folder.
These are my con buddies, Deisha and Courtney. I think Brent/Remy was manning the table when they bought a copy of Lavender Legend at EXP 2010, and they picked up another copy later when I was there so that they would each have one. At EXP 2011 they had an Artist Alley table close to mine, so we hung out all weekend. I gave them presents and they bought a ton of stuff (like, every picture of Felicia ever), then we went and had pizza, lol.
So they decided they were going to be Lavender and Felicia at Megacon 2012. The costumes were awesome, and they said they they want to add even more finishing touches next con we do. :)
I also went out with Robin Edwards and a few of her friends. It was pretty fun Didn't see Lindsey or Laurie there, which I regret, but I did run into Ashley a few times.
I'm just sad that I won't be able to do many more cons the rest of this year (if any). Conning all summer last year was great, but it's not as easy for me to move around now. If Mike comes, we have to get a hotel and that's more money. If he doesn't come, then I have to drive and transport things without him, and that's hard to do, even with friends in town.
So I'm feeling what I call the post-con blues, when you know you won't see the same friends again for a whole year. It upsets me that so much of my communication with people is transient. I feel like I have a large network of friends for about three days every couple months, the rest of the time I'm lonely. I've still got Mike, but I miss my friends.
Anyway, after the con we went to the gigantic McDonalds. Mike did not believe me about it until we went inside, lol. It's crazy.