Challenge 15 again.

Feb 01, 2005 17:42

And I sequeled.

TITLE: Great Artifacts
WORDS: 106, but they all need to be there.
CHARACTERS: Nii, the Kou-tachi.
SPOILERS: Only if you don't know the characters.
NOTES: I couldn't help myself.

“There it is!” Lirin hissed, flailing wildly in the general direction of the lab doors.

Kougaiji, Yaone, and Dokugakuji peered around the corner. Punctuating the scene of the massacre in the once-clean room was Dr. Nii, giggling to himself and spinning his plush bunny around like a demented dancing partner.

The small youkai continued to gesticulate. If she wasn’t careful, she’d put someone’s eye out. “That thing’s dynamite! You saw what it did to the soldier we sent in earlier!”

Kougaiji paused in serious thought.

“Yaone, you know what we have to do.”

The alchemist nodded grimly. “I understand, Kougaiji-sama.”

“Bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade...”

challenge 015

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