Non-Challenge: The evil little subtle paybacks Hakkai does to members of the Ikkou

May 19, 2012 11:05

Title: "Accidentally" Forgotten Part 1
Non-Challenge: The evil little subtle paybacks Hakkai does to members of the Ikkou

Apologies ... i'm a few words over the limit.

"Another day, another fight."Gojyo put his foot on a rock to tie his boot.

Goku started laughing.

Sanzo blanched. "Cover up, pervert! I don’t want to see your ass."

Gojyo covered the ripped seam.

"What the fuck, Hakkai!” snarled Gojyo. "I thought you took care of this."

"I’m sorry." Hakkai smiled sheepishly. "I must have put them in the washing pile instead of the sewing.

"With all the fighting recently, I’m behind on my sewing." He yanked some pants from his bag.

"Thanks." Gojyo grabbed the pants and went behind a tree to change.

"Hakkai," Sanzo growled, "that better not happen to me."

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