Inspired by and dedicated to
andmydog, because she is teh awesome and I am teh suck.
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13/R for such shameless smut
"Explain absolute time to me again."
Hakkai propped his chin up on Gojyo's chest. "Time flows in one direction. So any given point is a moment in time is absolute time."
Gojyo ran a tan hand down Hakkai's bare back, relishing the feel of sweaty skin and the sound of his lover's voice.
"Now, measurement of time is all relative. For the sake of argument, let's just say it's a second. Time is only distinguished by the events that occur in them.
"For example..." A soft kiss was pressed against Gojyo's tanned chest. "In timepoint A, this happened, while in timepoint B..."
A pale hand slid under the sheets gathered at their waists, and Gojyo moaned low in his throat. Hakkai chuckled softly and withdrew his hand from its gentle torture. "...that happened. The only way the two are distinguished from each other is that two different events occurred over them."
"What if the same thing happens on two different occasions?"
"Impossible," came the reply, even as Gojyo felt that evil hand descend again. "No matter how accurately the events are recreated, they are not the same, physically or psychologically. Understand now?"
"Nope. Brain meltdown."
"I'll explain it again later."