Dedicated to all the fathers out there. Happy Father's Day.
Word Count: 100 X 4
Ratings: PG
My father died when I was five. I don't remember much of him besides snatches of memory.
I know he looked a lot like Jien. He was tall, and every time he looked at me, he smiled.
Jien would tell me stories about him after he died, out of Mom's earshot, 'course. She'd throw a fit if his name was even mentioned.
My brother used to say that Dad was proud of his boys, that he knew we'd grow up strong.
I wonder if the old man would be proud of us now, fighting against one another as we are.
The term 'father' never meant a man who cared for you. To me, it always makes me think of those stuffed shirts, so full of themselves, trying to force ideals onto others.
I never really got the whole 'parent' thing as a child. Only when I grew up and became a teacher did I grasp the concept.
A classroom of children, trusting me blindly. How could I not love such innocent, un-jaded darlings?
I wanted children I could raise as my own. I like to think that I'd do a good job as a father.
I ended up with three.
My father was the greatest in the world.
Koumyou Sanzo was always kind, smiling serenely. His reprimands were gentle but effective, his advice lingering.
As a child, he was always so patient. When I would have nightmares late at night, he would hold me close, singing softly to me in the dark.
What would he say, if he could see me now, a mere shadow of the great man he was?
I can't even take care of my charge the way he did. Koumyou was a father, not the lover I am to Goku.
Compared to him, I am so pathetic.
I never had a father.
Well, technically, since the earth was my mother, the sky would be my father.
The problem with that this is you can't hug the sky, nor can it hug you.
However, he is always with me, watching over me.
If I told this to the others, they'd probably lock me in a psych ward in the next town. The sky being an inanimate object and not able to impregnate anything and all.
Of course, the earth couldn't give birth to anything either, right?
Looking up at the expanse of blue sky, I smile.
"Hey Dad."