Title: Family
Rating: G
Pairings: None.
Word Count: 100 (
Description: Doku introspection.
by AliasOfWestgate
I live, but I feel her watching over my shoulder. Though I live, she feels that she should have. Her rage at my action is understandable. After all, she loved me “best” of the two of us children. But I couldn’t stand by anymore, not at that moment. I still can’t stand by, even as I see another cruel Mother ruining the lives of two siblings.
I can’t escape it, can I? I leave one situation and end up in the same vicious circle. A grinding cycle I want to stop with ruthless, rootless rage.
Karma, thy name is family.
Owari ^_~ I'm off to bed. Hashed out before heading to see my own boisterous family for a halloween birthday bash.