[title] Tonight And Forever
[author] Lire Casander
[fandom] American Idol
[prompt] #68 ~ shirt from
table 100B[beta]
tinkertoo. Any remaining mistakes are my own fault.
[pairing] David Cook/David Archuleta
[rating] PG
[word count] 1425
[summary] And he keeps his promise - what kind of person would he be if he didn't? - so when he climbs down the stairs he faces Cook sitting on a couch, a long and single lily in his hand, grazing his dress shirt.
[disclaimer] I don't own nor have ever met David Cook nor David Archuleta. Everything about them is completely fiction, and any similarity with reality is a mere coincidence.
[warnings] High School!AU. Some angst. Some fluff. Foul language.
[author's notes] Written for
soverignthorn's birthday. She asked for au! high school cookleta. Happy belated birthday, honey! Also written for
Tonight And Forever