should I delete my live journal?

Apr 08, 2006 14:52

Today I am wondering if I should delete my live journal? My journal is a place were I share my the end of the day I go back from everything that I have done and write it on here....but for some reason I am getting the feeling that ppl are laughing at I stupid for having one?I dont know...if you are laughing at me because of the words and actions I've done on live journal thats stupid...why are you even reading my journal if all you do if laugh and make fun of me? Who knows maybe im making a big mistake and its all in my mind?If you dont like what I say or do on my journal then stop reading it....

I am really excited about tomorrow its the easter extravaganza at our church....its going to be awsome....but their games are kinda gay so I dont play them but im just excited about seeing all my friends then theres all the little kids they are so cute!! but yepp Im gonna have so much fun!....(sometimes I feel like Im writing to a blank piece of paper because no one ever gets on live journal any more)PAPER i guess your the only one that understands =] you can tell Im bored.......Do I have a good personality??

I think im going to go now but comment a answer me if you think I should delete my live journal!

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