Title: Beginnings
'Fandom': Life is Wonderful
Claim: General
Prompt: 001. Beginnings
Word Count:
Rating: PG
Summary: A father visits his late daughter's fresh grave.
Author's Notes: Mommy is named Mommy due to his owning a host bar. Most people do not know his real name and most people don't know anything about him. This whole series is about him and the people who work at his bar/club/thing...:D
At 16, where had he been?
At 16, did he have any idea what would become of the rest of his life?
Mommy took a drag of his cigarette and threw it on the ground. It was half finished but he didn't feel like smoking the rest. He ground it under his foot and folded his arms over his chest. At 16, he was emotional, hormonal, and without a clue.
At 16, he had still been alive.
He sighed and moved away from the curb. He stepped onto the lawn and navigated his way to his daughter's grave. He had been pulled away earlier to have some food and drink to remember her but he wanted to see her by himself after everyone had gone. The mound of dirt marked her grave along with a single funeral wreath with white flowers. Mommy swallowed hard and stood in front of her grave. "Baby," He said aloud and shifted uncomfortably. He glanced around the cemetary and reassured that no physical person was around, he spoke again. "Baby....Daddy's sorry."
He had cried so much in the past few days that it was beginning to hurt when tears began to form. Mommy swallowed again and tried to keep his emotions under control if only to stop his eyes from hurting. It didn't work. The tears were beginning to form along with the sniffles. If any person should've died at 16, he would've preferred that it had been his stupid adolescent self. Not his daughter. Mommy had never experienced losing anyone via dying. He hadn't seen his parents since he left when he was 17. They could be dead by now but he wasn't sure if he'd feel the same way about them as he does about Claire. He had raised her when her mother decided she no longer could handle the pressure. He tried to be a good father. He made sure she ate her vegetables, made sure she did her best in school and minded her manners, encouraged her when she was interested in singing and tried to protect her from sketchy boys. [And this is what I have to show for it....oh, God, Claire, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't cure you. Daddy's sorry.] Mommy had run out of tissues hours ago so he quickly began wiping his cheeks as the tears poured down.
He was going to be the best parent in the world so she would turn out better than him. He wanted to give her the love he never felt in his father's house. They were close as a father and daughter. Mommy had tried not to hide things from her and listened to her as best as he could. He tried to be understanding.
"Sometimes, life doesn't go the way you expect it, Dad. It'll be okay."
Of all the things to do, she comforted him when she was diagnosed with cancer. He was supposed to be there for her but she was worried about him.
"Daddy, I won't leave if you need me. I'll stay. I can't go if you won't be okay. No, I won't go. I'll stay here with you as long as you need me."
In the end, he couldn't bring himself to beg her to stay. It would be too cruel and there was nothing he could do. It didn't matter if she had forgiven him for his shortcomings, because Mommy would never forgive himself.