Fandom': Unnamed Fiction Project of Doom (a.k.a., Untitled.)
Claim: Character: Gabriel T. Rosenburg.
Prompt/Title: #78--Where?
Word Count: 100.
Rating: Very, very implied sex. Nothing else, really.
Summary: Gabe reflects on the whereabouts of an ex.
Author's Note: The rest of these can be found at
monkeyhouse_etc. Some are flocked, so if you're interested in seeing all of them, ask and I'll add you. They're posted there in groups of five and somewhat sporadically. Also, I use strict rules, so all of these will be exactly one hundred words. It's good for my editing, if bad for my sanity.
Where is he now? I wonder, hanging out the window, watching ashes drift downward and through the slats of the fire escape, down to the street below.
Where is he now? I wonder, pulling a stranger closer and tangling legs bodies mouths.
Where is he now? I wonder, I ask my ceiling and it has no reply.
Where is he now? I wonder, scared of who he’d be what he’d say how he’d act if I ever did find him.
Where is he now? the empty bed the cold sheets the unmade coffee all ask and I have no answer.