
Sep 07, 2007 11:59

 Just thought I'd share this.  ITs from a very humorous journal I stumbled upon one day.  And its English.  Huzzah!
It reminds me of me and my friends.  Enjoy!

Oh, the University Business. Whenever I think of it, I feel as if I am vomiting a little in, in my chest, you know? It’s so much to do, so much to remember, and therefore I’m at a loss and throwing up all over my innards. Yesterday I, in a fit of rage, screamed incoherently at the computer, strangled a Care Bear and called a friend:

ME: I can’t wrap my head around these forms! I’m useless! Maybe further education isn’t my thing. Maybe I should become a crackwhore.
FRIEND: I’m sure you’d be very good at it; you already have the fishnets.
ME: SNIFFLE. Thank you. I feel better now. I, er, don’t really know what that says about me and I choose not to investigate.

After having yelled shrilly about how I failed at Life, the Universe and Everything for about fifteen minutes or so, I suddenly realised…

ME: Oh, God, I would make such a highly strung crackwhore! I’d be like, “Hello, I am your whore for the WHERE IS MY CRACK.”

I wouldn’t have any customers! I would spend my days throwing open the brothel window, shouting, “I am an artiste! No one understands me!” and finally I would waste away. Tragically. In a bodice. By the open window. In that moment, it was obvious to me that the only way forwards was the academic way.

not really feeling anything

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