Wicked Weekend- In a Bad Way

May 29, 2007 08:02

This weekend was kind of crappy.  It started out okay, but yesterday was SUCKY.

Friday- Went to dinner at The Grandparents.  that was okay, because we got chinese food (PAD THAI NOODLES ANYONE???) and they brought me PRESENTS from my homeland- europe.  2 Necklace- earing sets, a bookmark, a book with pictures of England, a green necklace (which I am wearing now), a pink shirt (REALLY pink) and Ithink thats it.  And lots of pictures from Greece.  So jealous.  I then had nothing to do.  It was a friday night.  It was the first time I had nothing to do  on a friday night for 3 YEARS.  It was a little depressing.  I was up till 3, watching stupid television.  LIke INvader Zim.  Great show.

Saturday- I was woken up at 8:00, but I did not actually get up until 9.  Then they forced me to do yard work.  It was hot.  I was woking.  I was NOT HAPPY.  But then I went to Robynn's party and it was good times with ddr and meeting Fluffy, the pet freshman... but then I had to go home and the awesomeness ended.

Sunday- Went to church, went to the mall, but I had no money and my mom wouldnt lend me any, so I bought nothing, except uniform pants.  Oh happy day.  Then I went home and watched A Cinderella Story, and I was getting really into it and i was the last 15 minutes when I realized something "WAIT!!!!!!"  I screamed (I really did scream it) "MOULION ROUGE IS ON!!!!!  PUT IT ON ON ON ON ON !!!!!!!!!!"  I was very excited, because this is an absolutely fabulous movie that I neve get to see enough.  I think Im going to have to buy it.  So and hour later, I had succesfully watched 3 hours of televison without moving once.  I got up, then I threw up from the lack of movement and large amounts of chocolate.

Monday- The monsters came over.  And it was so hard to watch all 3 of them, that I dont even want to complain about it, because the wounds are still fresh.  Indeed they are.

So now it is tuesday, and I'll be applying for Richman's today.  Oh dear Lord, grant me strength.
Loving Wicked right now- still want to see theplay, as it very different.

That's the end of my ramblement for the day- except you get to read my writing propmt, lucky you.

What would your Native American name be if you were observed day to day?

My mom would say that my name would be Running Mouth.  She’s so sweet.  But in reality, I think my name would be Laughing… something.  I laugh a lot.  I’m a pretty cheerful person.  Laughing Fire maybe.  I’m a really passionate person, so Fire seems appropriate.  Whenever I like, or dislike something, I LOVE it or HATE it.  I’m kind of prone to being dramatic.  So Laughing Fire.  That’s me.

not really feeling anything, angry

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