May 17, 2007 08:04
Write about the scariest movie you ever saw.
The scariest movie I ever saw is a tie between “Gothica” and “Poltergiest.” I never saw “Poltergiest” all the way through, but I saw it when I was nine, so it kind of scarred me for life. My anxiety attacks started happening after I saw that movie, so I pretty much hate “Poltergiest” for life now. I saw “Gothica” last year and that was pretty horrific too. It was gross. I wasn’t even really scared of the ghosts and stuff, but the REAL villain was a rapist, and that’s what freaked me out. Rapists are scary, man. That’s why I don’t watch Law and Order SVU. Because it’s just plain freaky.
So my theme for my Journalism project is "Life is Like a BOx of chocolates." I think its pretty darn clever. I love Forest Gump. that was a great movie. Of course, the first ttime I saw that wasthe day before my dog died, but I still like the movie all the same.
So anyway- nothing is new here. My life is boring. Suprise suprise. Well one new thing is that Kathleen and Matt Clancy are now officially going out. Whatever. I'm probably being bitter and jealous and a horrible person, but I am just not happy for her. I don't know why. I mean, if it were Quinn or Jackie or Robynn, I'd be ecstatic. I would be happy for them, so why not Kathleen? I know I'm being hypocritical, and jealous, and judgemental, but I can't help it. I'm a horrible friend. Quinn tells me I just need to get over it because I owe her. I KNOW I owe her!!!!! GGGAAAHHHHH!!! But somehow i CAN NOT feel happy for her!! Its very unnerving...
Anyway- I'm done with my rant for the day.
Nathan Gross, the Rocket Scientist = Yet another Tasty Cake
not really feeling anything,