May 01, 2007 08:05
Okay- as you can see, I've got that stupid britney spears song stuck in my head. But the lyrics are true today. Because I am stronger than yesterday. I am determined to have a good day. and Julie or Lindsay can't ruin that for me. So there.
I listened to Jet on the way here this morning. aaahhhhh. Jet. They make me happy.
Ugh. I got my hair cut yesterday. It did not turn out well. I asked her to do it in choppy tappering, but its a little too choppy and a little too short. It won't look nice!!!! And she asked when she was done if it was okay and I just said... "Uhhuuh." When really I wanted to say. "NO WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR?????" But that wouldnt have been appropriate.
And now a word about waffles. I love waffles. I really do. I ate some for breakfast this morning. They make me so happy. When I open the freezer door, and there they are- in 2 different flavors, mind you- my heart soars with happiness. Because waffles do not take that long to make in the toaster over, so I can get back to fixing my stupid hair. I can eat waffles with berries or syrup or applesause or ice cream if the mood strikes. Waffles are just pretty amazing. Whoever thought of them should be declared a saint. Seriously.
Okay- I'm done now.
I'm going to do something meaningless now.