Title: Little Prince, Little Princess
Author: ginnekomiko
Word Count: 320
Universe the story takes place in: Hex
Character(s) Used: Two kings
Rating: G
Summary/Prompt: 050. Mistaken identity Or, why you shouldn't automatically give the title of "hero" to your son.
Little Prince, Little Princess
It is said that in the land of Sara-Sashen things are done in twos.
Two people are born one after another and they die on the same day.
It is the only kingdom to have its royal siblings jointly rule. One is the First, gallant and brave, the face of the people in times of crisis, the Second is gentle and wise
The twins born to the First King were regarded with cheer.
It was decided the moment they were born.
The boy would be the First because he had pushed through first and the girl would be his Second.
But something unexpected happened.
Their boy, Cetsiel was frail and sickly. Always so sickly. The king feared he could die at any moment. In contrast, their little girl, Rosiel was healthy, rambunctious, and always being scolded, but it never seemed to detour her from getting into more mischief.
The king went to his brother, to figure out what he should do.
“Why not switch their places? Make your Rosiel the First heir and Cetsiel her Second.”
“That’s never been done before.”
“Brother, Cetsiel’s health is poor. He cannot be the face of the people if he can barely hold a sword.”
“My boy, my poor, poor boy.”
“Be thankful for Rosiel’s strength, my brother. If not for it, your children would surely be dead.”
“Still, to switch them?”
“I don’t think she’d mind playing the part of a boy. However, it might be a wise idea to find some children with some healing magic, one for Cetsiel’s nerves and another for Rosiel’s inevitable bruises.”
“But what if the people discover her?”
“Then tell them the truth. If they suspect nothing, have her reveal herself as a woman when she turns sixteen. Let people assume what they want.”
“This is honesty what you think?”
“Yes. In these uncertain times, our people need a hero.”